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Wound-Healing Test
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A wound-healing assay, also known as a Boyden chamber assay or scratch assay, helps us to decode the wound-healing effect of our products. It involves creating a gap or "wound" in a layer of cultured cells and observing how quickly and effectively the cells migrate to close/heal the gap.
We test our formulations on dermal fibroblast cell lines to check their wound-healing effect.
What Are Dermal Fibroblasts & Why We Use It?
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Dermal fibroblasts are the predominant cells present in the dermal extracellular matrix. They play an integral role in maintaining skin physiology and repair by producing collagen, elastin, and proteins like laminin & fibronectin. Dermal fibroblasts are an excellent tool for investigating the chemotactic property/wound healing of our products as they are less likely to replicate or differentiate in an in vivo (testing on a living organism) or in vitro (testing in a lab)environment.
How We Test The Wound-Healing Effect Of Our Products?
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Step 1

We introduce a suitable liquid medium to the test product, transfer it into a special plate, and finally place a Boyden chamber over the same....

Step 2

Next, we introduce dermal fibroblasts cells into a liquid medium to support their growth & replication. These cells are then placed on top of the filter/porous membrane.

Step 3

This set-up is left unattended for one day under suitable lab conditions.

Step 4

Due to the chemotactic (chemical signals to attract cells) property of our test product, the cells travel across the membrane into the test solution....

Step 5

On day 2, we stain the dermal fibroblasts migrated under the membrane using a suitable dye and track their number through a spectrophotometer.

What's The Final Result?
For a product to be considered chemotactic/healing, the test solution should have higher number of dermal fibroblasts than solutions without the test product (untreated control). At Areoveda, the tested products reveal similar results!
Pick From Our Range Of Tested Wound-Healing Test Products Now
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