Ecocert Certified - Greater than 98% Natural & Plant-based Ingredients | EWG Verified - Zero Toxins, Pregnancy & Baby Safe
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Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells & excess sebum produced by the sebaceous glands.This creates an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive and cause inflammation of the hair follicle. An anti-acne test is a great way to check the ability of our products to inhibit the growth of such acne-forming bacteria on the skin.
We test all our formulations on Propionibacterium acnes to check their anti-acne effect.
What Is Propionibacterium acnes & Why We Use It?
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Propionibacterium acnes is a gram-positive, anaerobic (bacteria that thrive in oxygen-deprived environments) bacterium found in the sebaceous glands of the human skin. They serve as an excellent tool for investigating the anti-acne effect of our test products, as they are commonly associated with the formation of acne on our skin. P. acnes feeds on sebum, producing fatty acids that inflame the hair follicle and stimulate the immune system to release pro-inflammatory chemicals. Debris, dead skin cells, and sebum accumulation create an ideal environment for the bacteria to grow, exacerbating inflammation and leading to acne formation.
How We Test The Anti-acne Property Of Our Products?
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Step 1
Bacterial Plating

The first step involves introducing an inoculum (bacterial component to initiate infection) of Propionibacterium acnes into a culture plate with solidified agar gel containing a sufficient...

Step 2
Introducing The Test Product & Control

Next, a small well is made in the agar plate containing the bacteria, followed by the addition of the test product. After this, a Clindamycin antibiotic disc is placed in a different location on the same plate....

Step 3
Tracking The Zone Of Inhibition

Post the incubation period, clear zones around the Clindamycin antibiotic disc and the test product will be formed reflecting no bacterial growth. This area is known as the zone of...

What's The Final Result?
For a product to have an anti-acne property, the zonal diameter of the test product should be higher than the Clindamycin antibiotic disc (control). At Areoveda, the tested products reveal similar results!
Pick From Our Range Of Tested Anti Acne Products Now
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