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Written By : Shaheen Naser

6 Skin Care Tips For New Moms & Moms-To-Be

July 03, 2024
3 min read

Are you always waking up to panda-looking under eyes and dry, peeling skin? Do red, angry bumps stare back at you whenever you look in the mirror? Or, is it the uneven tone and dark, patchy skin that gets your panic mode on?

Whatever your skin concern during pregnancy or postpartum maybe, we’ve got your back! All you’ve to do is follow some basic skin care tips to get your natural beauty shine from within. Trust us, a few weeks into this routine, and you’ll thank us for ages to come.

Top 6 Skin Care Tips For New Moms & Moms-To-Be

1. Sleep, Sleep, and Sleep Some More!

No, we ain’t joking! We truly believe that getting a good night’s sleep tops the list of skin care tips for the pregnant lot and new moms! It  can give your skin a recovery boost that was long due. Pregnancy hormones and postpartum life can be quite challenging for women, which directly impacts their sleep cycle and skin quality.1 Try harder to add in a few extra hours of sleep to your routine and wake up to a glowing skin every morning!

2. Keep Your Hydration Game Up

By hydration we just don’t mean drinking ample water! Increasing your intake of hydrating fruits and veggies like watermelon, lettuce, and oranges; while also switching to hydrating skin care products like AreoVeda’s Hydrating Face Foam Wash are great to keep your moisture game up.2 3

3. Consistency Is Key To A Dreamy Skin

In this era, who doesn’t know about the 5-step skin care routine! Although these skin care tips were ignored long enough by the millennials, the aftermath of not considering them are too awful to be neglected.  So, exfoliating, cleansing, toning, applying a suitable serum, followed by moisturising and using a sunscreen should be a permanent part of your skin care routine - no matter what!4

Talking about serums, AreoVeda’s Skin Brightening Serum & Under Eye Serum are a must-try for all new moms struggling with uneven skin tone or dark circles.

4. Relax Away With A Soothing Massage

This skin care tip is especially meant for all the new moms struggling to adapt to their postpartum lives. A relaxing massage with a soothing massage oil like AreoVeda’s Postnatal Massage Oil can help you unwind by easing your muscles and improving circulation. In turn, you will wake up to a golden glow every morning.5

5. Ice It & Soothe It

Acne and inflammation are the other common skin concerns common in pregnant women and new moms. Stress, coupled with many sleepless nights, ought to leave an impact on your skin after all. But, worry not, we’ve another great skin care tip up our sleeves! Just rub some ice onto the affected skin to get instant relief from skin redness and acne.6 7

Moreover, you can also try AreoVeda’s Acne Clarifying Serum to get relief from inflamed, acne-prone skin.

6. Do Not Overdo It

Be it scrubbing, cleansing, or even toning your skin - NEVER overdo it. And, we really mean this! Too much of anything can be fatal for you and quite ironically, that also includes your skin care routine.  While all the skin care tips discussed here can help in getting the skin of your dreams, indulging in multiple products or remedies in a single round may spoil the game for you.

Wrapping Up

It’s finally time to turn your dreams of having the perfect-looking skin into reality - even during your pregnant and postpartum days. Try out the skin care tips discussed above, and trust us, you’ll be waking up to flawless skin in no time!



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